Wynn's Kitchen Featured in Wine Enthusiast's Vietnamese Food and Wine Pairings

Wynn Austin, founder of Wynn's Kitchen, shares the spotlight with Duyen Ha of Bondle Wines and Stephen Mallory of Kingfisher restaurant in Wine Enthusiast's captivating feature on Vietnamese food and wine pairings. As a Vietnamese-born food entrepreneur, Austin unveils three tantalizing wine and food combinations that will ignite your culinary senses, showcasing her expertise and passion for exquisite flavors.
Wine and Food Pairing Recommendations:
Wynn Austin recommends pairing the light and crunchy bánh xèo with a dry, floral rosé. This wine complements the delicate nature of the dish while balancing the fattiness from the pork belly.
Bò Lúc Lắc (Shaking Beef) with a Bold Cabernet Sauvignon:
For this flavorful dish featuring seared ribeye and tomato rice, Austin suggests a bold Cabernet Sauvignon. The persistent tannins in the wine stand up to the beef's fattiness, creating a harmonious pairing.

Phở Bò with a Crisp White Wine or Beaujolais:
When enjoying this iconic Beef and Rice Noodle Soup, Austin recommends a crisp white wine like an Alsace Pinot Blanc to refresh the palate from the soup's salty and earthy flavors. Alternatively, a Beaujolais with its slightly herbaceous finish can also be an excellent choice.
Explore the enchanting world of Vietnamese cuisine with the guidance of Wynn Austin and her remarkable wine and food pairings. Wynn's Kitchen's sauces, when combined with the suggested wines, transform ordinary meals into extraordinary feasts. Experience the magic of Vietnamese food and wine pairings with Wynn's Kitchen.