I’m so grateful for another trip around the sun I’m excited to meet the 4.2 version of me and how I will continue to grow. The past few years, I’ve learned and grown so much in all aspects of my life. I love to reflect and here are a few of my favorite lessons.
I am responsible for my own happiness - everyone in my life enhances it tremendously but I am the master of my own ship. Self care is a priority. I’m in charge of taking care of myself mentally & physically- that’s the only way I can show up for people in my life and in my business.
”Be open to everything - attached to nothing” - Wayne Dyer. My mantra that I live by and practice daily and it’s not easy. This includes people things, and events. People have come and gone in my life - and I’ve learned it’s natural just like the seasons. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt at times but it’s a natural progression of life, but it makes you appreciate and love the people that stay or show up during the tough times. Physical things are great to have when you have them but on its own, it doesn’t define a person and it sure as heck doesn't make you happy.
Never grow up! I always joke that my maturity level has gone backwards. As a child I couldn’t wait to grow up. Do all the things, buy all the things, be serious! You can be a successful adult and not take life too seriously. When things get hard, I remind myself how temporary that moment is, and I have thrived from harder situations. I always work on bringing back the fun! There is so much to experience and enjoy freely. Who says we have to ever grow up or stop learning! If our paths cross - let’s enjoy the journey!
Hair & Makeup: KC Witcamp
Photo: Tim King Photography