In The Kitchen with Wynn: Episode 7: Overcoming your fear with Christine Keller of Moodify Foods

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I had a wonderful time chatting with Christine Keller who is the founder, and CEO of Moodify Food. She is located in San Francisco, CA - a city that will always have a part of my heart.
Christine shares with me about her journey in starting a company that helps you start off the day the right way, with a healthy and nutritious oatmeal focused on ingredients that helps boost your mood!
With all of us, finally starting our recovery of coming out of the pandemic the past 3 years, I truly believe there are many lingering effects, and one of the most important one is our mental health. I love Christine's focus on nourishing our bodies and her focus on the social impact of improving our moods and mental health.
When I asked Christine, what her biggest challenge in her business, I was pleasantly surprised by her candidness. She said her biggest mental challenge is Fear. Wow!!! How many times do we all focus on our logistical problems but we don't pay enough attention to our own internal challenges.
I LOVED her vulnerability...when she shared that, it struck a huge chord with me. I, myself struggle with fear every single day and knowing that we are not alone really helps.
In this episode, you'll learn about some of our logistical challenges we face, and more importantly our mental challenges and how to overcome them.
For more information about Moodify and Christine's story.
Instagram: Moodify Food
Stay connected with me through food and my entrepreneurial journey on Instagram: Wynn's Kitchen