Episode 4: Little Changes - Big Results for Healthier Living with Steph's Fit Culture

"People don't realize the impact of what they put into their bodies, and on their bodies. It effects their hormones, mood, sleep". - Steph.
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When I got a recipe emailed into my inbox, I was curious to check it out! I can't believe that it was from Steph, the owner of Bodyrok (a mega pilates class that I enjoy going to, time to time in between tennis) I checked out her blog and recipes and decided to reach out!
We connected right away and ended up doing a Bodyrok session together and chatting over lunch. I knew that so many people would benefit from Steph's passion for helping people not only look good but feel good.
Steph and her kids have helped many families transition to more plant-based and non-toxic living by showing them the benefits and ease of making little changes to their lifestyle. It has been a long time dream of Steph’s to share her passion for health and wellness with a bigger audience and bring Steph’s Fit Culture to life through this website.
She talks about how we can start making little changes which will eventually compound and becomes a big change with massive results.
I'm not a Vegan or Vegetarian but I love veggies and just looking at her blog, it has helped me replace at least a few meals a week to be vegetarian. "Little Changes....Big Results"
I know sometimes the thought of making a change in our life can seems overwhelming, but sometimes it just start with one meal at a time.
Please feel free to check out Stephanie on Instagram and her website!
Instagram: Stephsfitculture X Bodyrok
Website: www.stephsfitculture.com and www.bodyrok.com
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